Something, Something…

I am grateful for something, what it is, I cannot say. I am grateful for some many different things; mostly I am grateful that this week is almost over. Tomorrow is Friday and then I have all day Saturday to do nothing, it is the sabbath, so I do not plan on doing too much….

Good News

Today was one of those days that by the end of the day I stated: “Just once I would like to come to work and here only good news”. Unfortunately that day was not today. It is okay, that day will come. I am grateful for the lessons in patience that the lord is sending…

Do you want to get married?

I am so grateful that my brother chose that mashup for his video. That was classic! Actually, I will add on to what my brother said…what a great wedding; I am grateful that my children and I were invited. It was a great family event. It has been at least four years that I have…


You may argue for or against the internet being an improvement or a detrement to our lives. I am grateful at least for subscription music. I still enjoy listening to the radio, but when I am at work and want to hear a certain kind of music or a paticular artist or band, it is…

Some Help

Sometimes we all need someone that we can lean on and if you want to, you can lean on me. I am so very grateful that I have friends and family that I can lean on. Even if I don’t ask for their help they are there giving me their support. Life is easier when…


One step at a time. One task at a time. Get things done. I am grateful for the days that are productive and I am able to check things off of my task list.

Trash Talk

This evening I attended a high school volleyball game. It was being played by an all girls school vs a regular high school. There were some boys in the audience from the local all boys school cheering their sisters on. As the all girls school proceeded to score more points than the other school, the…

Music and Life

I am so very grateful for music. I must state this in a post once more. I love that I am able to listen to music at work, while I am behind my desk, doing whatever needs to be done. The music gets me through the day and helps move me forward with my day….

Hi ya….

Every once in a while I feel that I step up to the challenge of my title at work. I did not accomplish all that I wanted to today; but the fires that I had to fight are all out. Well they are all out for now. So I am grateful for that. I directed…

Day Time

Acoholic’s Anonymous uses the statement One Day at a Time. If you think about it, that is good advice. You can only work on the current day. So concentrate on today, getting through the day and completing what you set out to do. If you mess up or don’t complete your tasks or goals there…

Top That…..

I am grateful for the wonderful Monday that I just experienced. Restful Productive Great company Great locations within two different states of the union

Open Season

The new Club Soccer season is upon us. I am heading to Arizona to officiate in a tournament. I figure that if I can survive eight games in the Arizona heat, then I can survive just about anywhere else. I enjoy officiating soccer matches as much as I enjoy being out on the ocean. So…