Little Ones

The other day I was speaking to my daughter on the phone. I have always called her my “Little Little”. At the age of twenty-five, I wonder if that is still appropriate. We were discussing age; she was amazed that her uncle is Sixty-two years old. She stated now she knows how I feel when…

Prize the Partner

I am very grateful for all of my partnerships; work, officiating, boating and living life. I am grateful to be able to enjoy my time with a partner who makes me a better person and whom I am able to laugh with. We enjoy music, food, the ocean and exploring new places and things. Live…


I am grateful for a full belly, a warm room with a bed, a pillow for my head, and the love of a dog to keep me company. I am so behind on so much. Never enough time to do all the things you want to do once you find them. So blessed by my…

No Harm No Foul

This past weekend my partner and I participated in the Newport Beach to Ensenada sailboat race; the N2E. It is an international yacht race. We were a part of a crew of five people and only the Captain/Owner and I had any real experience on the sailboat. It was the same vessel that we had…

As I Write

Ah, saying good-bye. So hard. I seem to take a very long time in doing it. A very close person in my life once guided me by letting me know I’d do well to learn to get used to the comings and goings of people. In this moment, I am feeling very close to a…

The Sky is Falling

Let it fall!  I have a roof over my head, so I am protected. I am so very grateful for my health, food that I have to eat and the roof over my head! I am very grateful that in my newest domain my partner is sharing my first week, there, with me.

Where’s My $10?

I am grateful for the ten spot i got from my brother for last week. In celebration, I give you an hour of great recorded bay area rock n roll. I hope i get another tenner for this week. 🙂 #enjoy


I am grateful for the people I interact with. I am grateful for the Spirit within that guides me. I am grateful for the quote I heard this morning, about only hearing one’s own voice — how peaceful that is. I am grateful that, poco a poco, things are more and more positive. (Until they’re…

People Who Know

I am grateful for people who know how to do things that help me. I am not a lone traveler. Thank you; everyone.

Change is Oh, So Hard

I am grateful for the new computer I purchased last week. It is beautifully built at Renew Computers Inc. in SR… and from my research, I received an excellent price for the machine. And now, I need to correct some mistakes I made. (Hello video drive I forgot to remove from old machine – you’re…

Growing Up

When I was much younger I used to think that I did not ever want to be an old man; and Sixty was old, so I thought. Today I toured an apartment at a 55+ facility. It was a nice place and all of the residents that I met were all friendly, cheerful people. I…

It’s A Wonder Full Life

I am very grateful for the friendship formed with a young woman from Germany, Sarah. We co-produced 2B at College of Marin. I think we were quite successful. I don’t know for sure that I would have done it without her involvement right from the beginning… AND—she also rescued my LWG podcast as a last…