Health, Wealth and Wisdom

Yesterday I had my first physical exam in about four years, from a primary care physician. Other that my blood pressure being a little high, everything checks out good. I am healthy. My doctor was really impressed with my EKG results. So I am grateful that I am healthy. My debts are slowly going away…

My Readers

When I was a child, living with my parents, we did not have a TV in the house; this was my parents choice. My parents did not want a television in the house so I read a lot of books. I developed a love for reading that I still have today. I am currently reading…

3 / Three

This past weekend was a three day weekend. In the United States we celebrate “President’s Day”. When I was a child going to school we had two separate days off in February; one for President Washington’s birthday and one for President Lincoln’s birthday. Now they just combine the two into one because there are so…

Travel Much….

I am grateful that I do not mind driving…too much. I probably mind the knuckleheads who are on the road with me more than I mind the miles and time spent driving. I am grateful that I don’t mind driving because I will drive the distance, occasionally, to spend time with a person that I…

Good drink

This past Saturday I helped a neighbor celebrate his Seventieth birthday. We sat on his boat, talking and drinking a really good Irish whiskey. This was after spending a lazy Saturday afternoon with my wonderful partner. I am grateful for this wonderful life and beautiful opportunities.

Team Efforts

Being a former soccer player, coach and now I officiate, I know what “Team Effort” means.   As great as Pele, Messi and Ronaldo are or were, they never single-handily won a game or tournament; they had ten other players, coaches and support personnel helping them. I feel very grateful that I have a wonderful team…

Helping Hands

Today I am grateful for all of the people who help me in this life. Some of these people barely know me if they know me at all; but they are told by someone or some divine power that they should help me. Then there is my family and friends who I know that offer…

It is stuck there

What an incredible month this has been! I have learned quite a bit of stuff; especially about myself. I am so blessed with all that I have been given. It could all go away tomorrow and I would wake up and find a way to have a positive day. I would begin the work to…

It is appreciated

Tomorrow I will complete my first month at my new job. Today I received a nice email from one of the people that works in our financial office, helping with HR. She informed me that in the short time that I have been there she has enjoyed working with me and that others have told…

Henny Youngman

It has been a long day and I am very tired. I am grateful for people like Henny Youngman and one-liners.

It is a Wonder

I feel the power of God all around me.  Lately it seems that every door or gate that I have walked through, God is holding it open for me. I do not subscribe to any, one religion; but I do believe in One, Powerful, Loving God.  You may call God whatever you want.   I believe…