sorry; I forgot

There was so much i was thinking of writing about this morning…

Then later in the day.

But now the day is late: it is evening.

My son rests in his new room…

Created by friends; the bones from a friend long ago – then finessed over the past month and a half.

With the blessing of the home owner.

And a card on the dining room table from my ex – Jonah’s Mom – for the recent creative who poured his soul into the space..

All who have been in the space remark about how cool it is, how wonderful…

And the day comes to a close, with a warm bed for me to sleep in. A place to rest my head.

After a decent day’s work.

And great music to listen to…

As far as I can tell, I have another day to count my blessings, and give thanks to God for all that is.

And you can put what you want to that last statement,

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