Far From Over

So much good in life.  So much to be grateful for.  I give thanks to god every day. I am grateful that a person that I know who needed a new liver now has one and is recovering. The beginning of a new life for this person. I am grateful that I am spending a…

Fire Tear Me Up (I Don’t Burn)

I am grateful for the eternal Grace from which I’m from. I have seen my evil, and welcomed the Spirit lovingly into my darkest haven… for forgiveness and healing. I’m grateful for the LOVE enduring beyond all that is, was, shall be. I am grateful for you, too.

Poster Child

There are many things to be grateful for. Too many for me to list. I am having a wonderful week and I am so grateful for that!

Mind Set

There are times, probably more often than not, that I may deviate from the path that I am walking on. If it is a conscious decision then no problem I am aware of what I am doing. Sometimes though I may be distracted, looking at the view and I wander off just a little. These…

A Light Touch (Please)

I am grateful for my brother. My children. My friends. My passion. I am grateful for the life within. Christmas in summertime. Eternity is calling: grateful.

Using The Old

Using the old to continue with the production of the new. I am currently reading a book that I read every two years; sometimes less than. It is written by Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., The Mastery of Self. It is a very good book that helps me keep my self and my life in perspective…

I Think I See A Light

Of course, I don’t know for sure… it could be a train. One thing about a tidal wave, it eventually tapers out. And in my experience, a film production is a tidal wave. “No one expects the Spanish inquisition.”, Cardinal Ximénez (sort of) Well, this posting is quite the mess. It is all over the…

Master of No One

In my readings and discussions I am reminded that I am not responsible for how others think or react. I am only responsible for my thoughts and my actions. How others respond to what I say and do is their responsibility. I am grateful for this enlightenment. It does help me in my daily life…


“God has put us right where we need to be.” – Dr. Lauren Lek I quote her because she is an extremally intelligent lady, working hard to promote the best education and opportunities for young ladies. She has been the Head of School at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace for over eleven years…

Talk Talk

I am grateful for this quote. It is in the ocean of dialogue that a person can become truly human. Dialogue is an epic challenge which first requires you to change yourself, rather than trying to change others. Daisaku Ikeda

Well, There it is

I received an email today informing me that something that I thought had been done over a year ago, related to officiating soccer, had not been done. It explains something that I had been wondering about. I sent an email to the proper authority to get it corrected. I had a conversation with my boss…

Title is Added

Only my brother may understand this title.  I thought that it was funny. This past weekend was spent at a Casino, Spa and Golf resort somewhere between Riverside and Palm Springs. I was there to support my partner; she was playing in a two-day golf tournament. While she golfed I relaxed in-between getting some personal…