Pastel Colors that fade Pulling down the night shade A gentle breeze that cools the air A wonderful lady with whom I can share This magical moment watching the sun go down Enjoying the splendor, knowing that God is all around. I am grateful for that.
Author: Aaron Wilker
She rowed me
This evening I a grateful that there was a second key to the car. I am grateful for a wonderful partner who drove me back to that car. I am extremely grateful that the key that I lost was still in the car.
Weigh Anchor
This past Sunday was a beautiful day. It was sunny and a nice breeze was blowing. A great day to be cruising out on the bay. This was confirmed by all of the other boats out on the water. Took a little four hour cruise checking out the bay and the sea lions sleeping on…
Almost the weekend
School started up for the San Diego area this week. I have been at school everyday for the past two weeks, weekends included, working long hours making sure the campus was ready for the incoming students. This evening was back to school night; which meant a good fifteen hour day for me. I am worn…
I have been told….
The first week of my current employment I was told by one of my employees that I communicate way too much. Having been employed there for just over seven months I understand why that comment was made. Communication is not the strong point for some of my peers. I am grateful that god has given…
My brother and I were reflecting that it has been almost fifteen years that we have been writing on this blog page, professing what we are grateful for. I am grateful that I have a place to share my blessings. I am grateful that my brother and I have continued our education of life and…
Today I learned about the the Sister’s of St. Joseph. Their beginning and how they came to the west coast of the United States of America. I also learned about their charism. I learned that they do not have charism but rather the charism has them. It is a very interesting tale; one that makes…
What a Weekend
This past weekend was a full one. A whole lot going on in my life and the lives of others. Parties and themed barbecues; a whole lot of driving. I was able to spend time with some friends; I stopped in to see my younger sister and her husband. I love talking with my brother…
A new home
I believe that I have stated recently that I brought a boat down from Long Beach to San Diego. Two weeks into the new marina and I am very happy with the new home for the old gal. I washed her on Sunday July 7th and went back to her on July 13th and she…