Business as Usual?

The global pandemic, COVID-19, has really changed the business landscape. Here in the United States of America, there are state Governors who are telling us that there is going to be a “new normal”. I am not sure what that means. Going forward we will no longer be able to sit in a crowded restaurant? If I want to eat food from my favorite restaurant, am I going to have to place an order and then do the curbside pickup? I am not sure, but I do know that the Logistics Industry is changing.

I am fortunate that in my business, I am able to do some work from my desk or on my laptop. Businesses need to adapt with some of the changes if they plan on surviving. I read an article today on whether or not it is ethical to go golfing, in a state that still allows the courses to stay open, or should we put away our sticks as a sign of solidarity, since not everyone has the privilege’s of being able to golf? I have been golfing almost everyday. It is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy nature, while maintaining a social distance. I am a strong believer in thinking for your self, not following what the populace believes.

So today I am grateful for the freedom to think my own thoughts and to be able to act accordingly as well. I am grateful for the business opportunities that come my way and I am very grateful for the true friends, family and one particular beautiful lady that are in my life.

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