Well, There it is

I received an email today informing me that something that I thought had been done over a year ago, related to officiating soccer, had not been done. It explains something that I had been wondering about. I sent an email to the proper authority to get it corrected.

I had a conversation with my boss today; discussing several items that I needed clarification on. We discussed some futures that we both foresee as well as what my future is going to be. It was a good conversation and probably longer than she wanted, but I feel better.

One of those futures was discussing whether or not I was going to replace an employee who is retiring, tomorrow. After the meeting I went back to my office and glanced through email; there was one that had a resume attached to it, for the position that I am considering filling.

Life is funny! We get what we need and sometimes god will throw a cherry on top; like today.

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