The Spirit

Yesterday was my Fifty-fifth birthday. I spent most of the day driving through the Central Valley of California. Not a great way to spend a birthday? I think that it was. I was accompanied by my partner, a wonderful lady who I absolutely love. We picked up some dinner and headed over to the house of the mother of one of my oldest friends. My friend was not there, didn’t expect him to be, but his older brother, who is a great friend and his mom were there. This is where I wanted to be on my birthday. It was great spending the evening with three people whom I love. We had a great time just talking, catching up and spending time with each other.

I am grateful to know people who carry Christmas with them all year! People who look to make this world a better place for all and at the same time do not put up with any BS; they call it as they see it. These people make my life better and I am grateful for them.

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