We are almost done with the time of year that I dislike the most, the Fall. I will say that this year has been okay; it has almost been enjoyable. The one thing that I am grateful for in the Fall is the clear skies. The cool breeze clears the sky and at night the…
Life is a dance to be enjoyed. It is extremly enjoyable when you have a wonderful dance partner it is most enjoyable. Dancing is a serious of moves, pivots, dips and lifts, listen to the music and enjoy. Sometimes your foot may get stepped on, but that doesn’t stop you from dancing. I am happy…
Cup Half Full? Nien; My Cup Runneth Over
So much to be grateful for. I’m grateful for these two entertainers — their work continues to bring me joy. I’m grateful for my children. Today I was reminded that even in my darkest mood their presence brings Light to my world. I’m grateful I can schedule this post, so that I may continue uninterrupted…
It’s Amazing
It is now officially seven days since the United States of America voted for their next President as well as congress people, local officials and Propostitions. I do not own a television so I have no idea what the News Media is talking about; I am sure that it will revolve around the election for…
Last week was quite exciting. And now we’re with the aftermath. Anyone doing the math could see it wasn’t going to add up easily. So, now what? I’m grateful for my freedom of choice. I learn from it every moment of waking.
More sleep
This past weekend was a whirl-wind, busy weekend. As much as I enjoyed it, I caught a cold and ended up taking a couple of days off from work. Those couple of days were spent mostly sleeping; in the evening/night with the help of Nyquil. I am grateful for the sleep that I was able…
Just In Time
I got this one in just in time… whew! I’m grateful for that!
This morning
This morning I woke up without an alarm going off, on board a boat, docked in a marina. It was a beautiful morning. There was a little nip in the air, but the sun was shining. As I was walking back down to the boat, after showering in the marina showers, I thought, “How blessed…
Only Way is 4Ward
I am grateful for the resources and energy that supports me to keep going. There are many involved; many sources. Miracles happen. For them, I am grateful. Never quit.
Play Ball
Well even though they lost tonight, I am grateful that the Dodgers are in the World Series. If they had not made it this far, like several previous years, I would not watch or care about the World Series. That reality is a little sad for me because my grandfather was a huge fan of…
I am grateful for the energy I have today. Got a lot done. And there is a lot more to do. Always? Always. So, while we wait for Godot, I shall keep applying the energy given to me to… healing.
Something, Something…
I am grateful for something, what it is, I cannot say. I am grateful for some many different things; mostly I am grateful that this week is almost over. Tomorrow is Friday and then I have all day Saturday to do nothing, it is the sabbath, so I do not plan on doing too much….