This evening I a grateful that there was a second key to the car. I am grateful for a wonderful partner who drove me back to that car. I am extremely grateful that the key that I lost was still in the car.
Category: Gratitude
Weigh Anchor
This past Sunday was a beautiful day. It was sunny and a nice breeze was blowing. A great day to be cruising out on the bay. This was confirmed by all of the other boats out on the water. Took a little four hour cruise checking out the bay and the sea lions sleeping on…
Almost the weekend
School started up for the San Diego area this week. I have been at school everyday for the past two weeks, weekends included, working long hours making sure the campus was ready for the incoming students. This evening was back to school night; which meant a good fifteen hour day for me. I am worn…
I am very grateful for the amazing opportunities I have for learning… there is so much to learn about our amazing life. And I am grateful for the Spirit that imbibes me with the desire to learn.
Gonna Fly Now
My AK remained in the closet. I got some good work completed to support The Curtain Theatre. Come see our production of Midsummer Night’s Dream! Playing through Labor day… I got some billable time in. Got my son off to the airport on time—even though there was a banger smash-up on 19th Ave. Had a…
I have been told….
The first week of my current employment I was told by one of my employees that I communicate way too much. Having been employed there for just over seven months I understand why that comment was made. Communication is not the strong point for some of my peers. I am grateful that god has given…
Years Go By
I am grateful for a wonderful hang with a friend this afternoon. I am grateful that I work for friends; with friends. I am grateful that I’m not dead. I am older; gratefully so.
My brother and I were reflecting that it has been almost fifteen years that we have been writing on this blog page, professing what we are grateful for. I am grateful that I have a place to share my blessings. I am grateful that my brother and I have continued our education of life and…
A Little Somethin’ Light
I am grateful for this little light of mine… And yours And for the time I spent this afternoon in the company of a very warm heart And for making it back home To the cool fog It’s a good life; what a wonderful world.