I am grateful for my pain It tells me Life is real Funny that we tend to judge By the emotions that we feel Hi, Aaron
Author: Greg Wilker
I am grateful for the good work I partnered tonight with MM. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Mr. Louis Bershad this morning. I am grateful for this song. …and I am grateful for tomorrow. (and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls)
Another Night
I am grateful for a very full day. There is still so much more to do… I’m way behind. Yep; the eight ball is bearing down and I’m running behind it. What does “behind the eight ball” mean? I don’t know. I am grateful for the time of rest coming…
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
I am grateful for the work I am doing… AND – I wish I wasn’t wasting so much time. There’s so much to do! I am getting better at that wasting time thing. A little bit better every day. Still; grateful for the work and the people I am working with. “Life is meant to…
Working On My Backwards Walk
I am grateful for a full life. And, I should have gone to the gym today. But I didn’t. I did, um, think about it for a while… off and on. So many have said it’s the thought that counts. That’s a Pandora’s Box best kept closed… off… But, yeah, I am very grateful for…
I am very grateful for the amazing opportunities I have for learning… there is so much to learn about our amazing life. And I am grateful for the Spirit that imbibes me with the desire to learn.
Gonna Fly Now
My AK remained in the closet. I got some good work completed to support The Curtain Theatre. Come see our production of Midsummer Night’s Dream! Playing through Labor day… I got some billable time in. Got my son off to the airport on time—even though there was a banger smash-up on 19th Ave. Had a…
Years Go By
I am grateful for a wonderful hang with a friend this afternoon. I am grateful that I work for friends; with friends. I am grateful that I’m not dead. I am older; gratefully so.
A Little Somethin’ Light
I am grateful for this little light of mine… And yours And for the time I spent this afternoon in the company of a very warm heart And for making it back home To the cool fog It’s a good life; what a wonderful world.
Long Monday Veil
Red roses garden Bright blossoms bloom Dead are the witches Stewing doom and gloom Hanging from ceilings Swinging bar doors Mopping up mopers From whiskey stained floors Stick and stain Single malt grain You’ll never have hooks In me again (and for that—I’m grateful)
Got Something Done
I enjoy helping with Mill Valley’s Curtain Theatre. We are gearing up to present the 24th summer production of a most beloved comedy by William Shakespeare; A Midsummer Night’s Dream. And due to the chaos in my mind, body, and soul—I was quite behind in my duties. I am grateful that I got quite a…