You Still Have Your Health

In Los Angeles County there is currently a lot of chaos. Chaos created by the weather and fires. I know people who have lost everything in one of the fires that is burning and they are still dealing with the thought of just having lost everything. They are lucky, they had a place to retreat…


I am grateful for the year of 2024. It was a year of opportunity, learning, increased health and love. I look forward to all that 2025 will bring.

False Pride

I don’t know if it is pride or stupidity that causes me to run my body into the ground. I must think that I am still in my twenties; far from it. At some point my body says, “Hey big boy, you may want to rest a little.” When I ignore the body, it puts…


I have been officiating futbol/soccer off and on since 1998. It does not seem that long, but WOW! I have seen a lot of soccer over the years. I have officiated children and adults of all ages and skill levels. I have enjoyed most of the games that I officiate. I am asked, “How do…

She’s the one

I have been listening to a lot of great music at work. Just throwing that out there. I see things happening around me; it may happen with out me, but I know that I am having a positive affect on my peers, on the campus and hopefully some of our students. I have a great…

Twinkle Star

We are almost done with the time of year that I dislike the most, the Fall. I will say that this year has been okay; it has almost been enjoyable. The one thing that I am grateful for in the Fall is the clear skies. The cool breeze clears the sky and at night the…


Life is a dance to be enjoyed. It is extremly enjoyable when you have a wonderful dance partner it is most enjoyable. Dancing is a serious of moves, pivots, dips and lifts, listen to the music and enjoy. Sometimes your foot may get stepped on, but that doesn’t stop you from dancing. I am happy…

It’s Amazing

It is now officially seven days since the United States of America voted for their next President as well as congress people, local officials and Propostitions. I do not own a television so I have no idea what the News Media is talking about; I am sure that it will revolve around the election for…

More sleep

This past weekend was a whirl-wind, busy weekend.   As much as I enjoyed it, I caught a cold and ended up taking a couple of days off from work. Those couple of days were spent mostly sleeping; in the evening/night with the help of Nyquil. I am grateful for the sleep that I was able…

This morning

This morning I woke up without an alarm going off, on board a boat, docked in a marina. It was a beautiful morning. There was a little nip in the air, but the sun was shining. As I was walking back down to the boat, after showering in the marina showers, I thought, “How blessed…

Play Ball

Well even though they lost tonight, I am grateful that the Dodgers are in the World Series. If they had not made it this far, like several previous years, I would not watch or care about the World Series. That reality is a little sad for me because my grandfather was a huge fan of…