
There are many different types of maps; and with the launching of satelites and GPS becoming common-place, you are able to get a map on your cell phone. Maps help direct you when you don’t know where you are going. There are books, podcasts and seminars that act like a map, helping us to direct…


I am so very grateful that there is a chapel on the campus, where I work. It allows me time to go sit in peace and have a conversation with god. This is needed sometimes; it helps me with my growth, patience and lowering the blood pressure.

The Artist

This past weekend was spent in one of the art galleries of our lord. It is located in Northern Arizona and called Sedona. I also spent a day on Navajo land exploring a couple of slot canyons. The beauty was incredible. I enjoyed hanging with friends and sending photos to family. It was a wonderful,…

My Wheelhouse

Even though I have used the title of, My Wheelhouse, believe it or not, this post is not about boating. This past Sunday I was asked to volunteer at a jazz concert that would benefit the victims of the fires in Los Angeles county. The concert was held at South Coast Winery in Temecula California….

It is called Futbol

What a week for observing futbol/soccer! Yesterday, the 26th, I attended the She Believes Cup tournament in San Diego. It was the final leg of the three stop competition; the first two being in Houston Texas and Glendale Arizona. I was sitting right at Mid-field able to observe the whole field. I watched two games,…

It is Thursday

Today I am grateful for all of the opportunities that the Lord provides for me/us. When you reflect upon it, how many new things come into your life that you are able to experience; good or bad. Opportunities, I am grateful when I recognize them.

Free Speech

Recently a person that I work with was spotted on the local news channel speaking out against the raids that are being performed by the ICE teams; another person texted me and asked if this is the image that we, as an organization, wanted to present to the public. The only answer that I could…

Mi Familia

When I see and hear how some families interact with each other, I am so grateful that my entire family is full of love and support. Life is better when you have love in it.  

Something new

Opportunities are abounds. I am grateful for the Opportunities that have come my way; and I am grateful for the Opportunities that are coming to my family and friends. It is a matter of recognizing them and acting on them. Opportunities are lessons that are put before us by the Lord. Recognize them and learn…


Well, January 20th, 2025 has come and gone. The Earth is still spinning and rotating around the sun and the United States of America seems to be functioning much the same as it was on January 17th, 2025. I am grateful for all of this; or maybe I am more grateful that I do not…

Reading Books

So as one chapter ends a new one begins, until the book ends. I am so very grateful for all of the family and friends who have supported me in the one chapter that is just ending and I am looking forward to beginning a new chapter.

You Still Have Your Health

In Los Angeles County there is currently a lot of chaos. Chaos created by the weather and fires. I know people who have lost everything in one of the fires that is burning and they are still dealing with the thought of just having lost everything. They are lucky, they had a place to retreat…