Peace, Love and Fraternity

Today I read the January Newsletter for a Catholic High School located in San Diego California.  The head of the school wrote that God has placed us exactly where we should be.  This made me feel good.  Actually I felt great!  I started a new job this week at this High School.  I am their interim Director of Facilities; a position that I have never held.

I have always managed Distribution Centers or warehouses, I have never worked for a school let alone managed a school campus.  When I first looked at the Organization Chart all of the Directors for the different areas of the school, they all had one or two areas reporting to them, except for one, the Director of Facilities has six different areas reporting to it.  Did I mention that the school is currently in the finishing stages of building a new Theatrical Arts building with a state of the art theater?  I have never worked for a construction company!  I am supposed to manage the completion of this project?!  Talk about jumping into the pool at the deep end!  The pool is rimmed with FIRE!  It is just a bit intimidating, for me.

God has placed me exactly where I am supposed to be…. phew!  I feel better.  I know that I am capable of doing everything that this job requires.  I know that I have knowledge that the school will benefit from; while I benefit from learning new things from them.

I am so grateful for this new opportunity and I am grateful that I took the time to read the new school news letter.

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