My grandmother used to tell me that her faith was her strength. She was a strong, loving lady. Having grown up in two of the three largest religions I do not care for the pomp and circumstance of an organized religion. I have always felt that if I wanted to get close to god I…
Long Monday Veil
Red roses garden Bright blossoms bloom Dead are the witches Stewing doom and gloom Hanging from ceilings Swinging bar doors Mopping up mopers From whiskey stained floors Stick and stain Single malt grain You’ll never have hooks In me again (and for that—I’m grateful)
Today I learned about the the Sister’s of St. Joseph. Their beginning and how they came to the west coast of the United States of America. I also learned about their charism. I learned that they do not have charism but rather the charism has them. It is a very interesting tale; one that makes…
What a Weekend
This past weekend was a full one. A whole lot going on in my life and the lives of others. Parties and themed barbecues; a whole lot of driving. I was able to spend time with some friends; I stopped in to see my younger sister and her husband. I love talking with my brother…
Got Something Done
I enjoy helping with Mill Valley’s Curtain Theatre. We are gearing up to present the 24th summer production of a most beloved comedy by William Shakespeare; A Midsummer Night’s Dream. And due to the chaos in my mind, body, and soul—I was quite behind in my duties. I am grateful that I got quite a…
just time
sometimes, I am just grateful to be going to bet. this is one of those times. g’night
A new home
I believe that I have stated recently that I brought a boat down from Long Beach to San Diego. Two weeks into the new marina and I am very happy with the new home for the old gal. I washed her on Sunday July 7th and went back to her on July 13th and she…
Long Days
This past weekend was looonnnggggg. The United States of America celebrated it’s independence day on Thursday, July 4th; so I took July 5th off from work, which made it a four day weekend. Two of the four days were spent with my oldest child and his significant other. It was great to see him and…
No Idea
I am grateful that I have no idea where I am… and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. (I just threw up into the back of my throat w/ that post… PA-Lease!!)
Color Me Gone
That title is derived from some old school chaos, courtesy of one EBH. Yeah, I am grateful for hitting the road tomorrow… It’s been a long time since I meandered about. Long overdue!