It ain’t easy

This is what I realize this morning; nobody said that life was going to be easy. As I think back on my life and childhood, I am pretty sure that my father told me that life was tough; and my mother was always telling, “tough”. So I guess that life can be tough. Toughness has the ability to make you strong; and when you are strong you have the ability to keep moving forward.

I believe that I have a mental toughness; mostly because I have the ability to think for myself. I do not rely on others to tell me how I should live my life. I do seek and accept counsel. I do look for mentors and coaches. (Even Tom Brady had the same mentor and coach for most of his career.)

So today I am grateful for the ability to be satisfied with my life; not too satisfied that I won’t continue to try and improve upon it. I am happy with where I am and with where I am heading.

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