Good day….

This weekend we celebrated Labor Day here in the United States of America. I really did not do too much in the way of celebrating. I was dog sitting for some friends, so I stayed most of my weekend on their boat. I did go sailing, on Sunday, with some other friends on a little Cal20 sail boat. That was fun and relaxing. I was able to watch UCLA beat up on LSU and the Raiders beat the Chiefs, so sports wise it was a good weekend; although I do wish that the US Men’s National Soccer team had defeated Canada.

Monday my partner returned to her boat; I am glad that she is back.

Today I am working at a client’s getting them ready to go live with two different software systems, both will help them manage their inventory and their business, but implementing two different systems at the same time is not easy. I had a great meeting with both of the software companies this afternoon and things are looking good for the future.

I am grateful for every new day that the creator presents to me. I pray for the guidance to be my best and accomplish what ever is their will for me. God Bless!

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